
Due to the continued challenges associated with COVID-19, we are cancelling our August Open House. We're paying close attention to public health advisories, and will resume monthly open... Read More
We miss our monthly open houses providing opportunities to welcome you to The Center for conversation + conviviality. We look forward to the time when we can safely open our doors again. In the... Read More
With continued concerns about the coronavirus, our June Open House is cancelled. We will keep apprised of evolving evidence and provide updates on scheduling of upcoming in-person events as available... Read More
The May/June 2020 issue of NACUBO's Business Officer magazine features comments from The Center's Co-Director Gail Vittori in the article "Systemic Sustainability." Follow... Read More
In light of the continued need for social / physical distancing, our May Open House is cancelled.We look forward to opening back up, and enjoying the vitality and conviviality that goes along with... Read More
Friends, In light of the COVID-19 emergency, we are cancelling our April Open House. We're exploring ways to connect virtually and will provide updates. In the meantime, enjoy the outdoors as is... Read More
Due to out of town travel we're cancelling the March open house -- NEXT OPEN HOUSE APRIL 3RD. Hope to see you then!
In this year of perfect vision, join us to learn about current projects and prototypes and tour buildings, along with enjoying provocative conversation and light refreshments! $10 donation requested...
We'll be welcoming the New Year with our monthly open house, sharing updates on our projects and touring on-site demonstrations. Please join us!
JOIN US on Friday, December 6th, 6-10 PM for a fun evening enjoying potluck food + drink, conviviality and conversation. Please bring a non-perishable food item for our annual holiday party food... Read More
