Lenses for a Maximum Potential Future: ProtoScope
Our 12 Lenses for a Maximum Potential Future each present a different method of understanding the world and connecting with meaningful metrics to aid global well-being. The Lenses support planning practices that incorporate the specific location and client, and purposely try not to project the “one size fits all” approach.
ProtoScope sets the stage for understanding environmental issues regarding trends in ecological health, water scarcity, climatic change, and soil and surface geology. The lens draws upon databases, including those offered by IBM, Wiser Earth, National Geographic, WoframAlpha, WWF, Autonomy, Ask Nature, and the IUCN. The ProtoScope process uses the equal area Plat Curre grid cell system to try to statistically show significant change and trends at the world and site-specific levels. This allows the designer/planner to be aware of important issues that may come to the surface while developing site plans solutions.
Projects that utilize ProtoScope lens include the Advanced Green Builder Demonstration, Baja School of Field Studies, Protocity: Galveston Redevelopment, Island Nations Initiative/Village in a Box, Carrizo Springs, Plenitude Ecocity.
We share these Lenses in hopes that the state of “maximum potential” can reach ever higher plateaus. We love discussing them with you! We welcome your questions and comments about the Lenses via our social media; just use the hashtag #LensesforMax.