Prototyping is an essential process for research and advancing replicable models and methods. ProtoScope is a means of organizing how prototypes are conceived. Beginning at a global (“protoMetric”) scale, ProtoScope identifies databases, patterns, partners, and site information to effect a full-scope prototype design process.
ProtoScope is a worldwide scoping procedure that provides essential perspective related to the unique significance of any place on Earth, relative to its biophysical uniqueness and its pattern of similarities to other protoSpaces. Patterns of conditions are explored, from world to province to country to ecozone to site, to understand both the uniqueness of place and the problems associated with how biophysical issues are worsening or improving as you approach a particular site location. Global partners are identified who have experience in working in five life support areas (energy, water, air, food, materials) overlaid into zones of similar ecological, hydrological, climatic and soil geology conditions. What results are a series of protoCodes that express conducts and actions that need to be taken. Two Texas city/regions — Galveston and El Paso — have been investigated through this lens. Design and planning actions are proposed by understanding the salient issues and potentials of each place based on the findings of this method. Solution sets can be incorporated into QR code combined cell phone messaging for social networking or learning network purposes experiential board games and linked to virtual gaming. Together, these processes help to change whole paradigms within at risk communities. The wealth of human ingenuity that can be brought to bear at the global and local scales on any problem is infinite.
The Kendeda Fund
Sam Brunswick; Charlie Candler; Youngjae Chung; Cassidy Ellis; Pliny Fisk III; Ariel Fisk-Vittori; Janis Fowler; Lovleen Gill-Aulakh; Sebastijian Jemec; Lauren Jones; Jesse Miller; Aaron Smith; Brady Zaitoon